About T-Junction

About T-Junction – why the name?

T-Junction consists of four small children’s homes on the outskirts of Leicestershire,

each offering placements for up to three children and young people, aged between

six and eighteen years.

T-Junction was set up in 2017 by Tim Clare, who was himself in care, and who has

made it his mission to create the best home environment for children and young

people in order for them to thrive and feel good about themselves. T-Junction aims to

help and support young people who are still looking for the right place to call home.

We know how tough it can be for young people growing up in care, and the impact that

early adversity can have on later adult life. We came up with the company name, T-Junction, to

demonstrate our commitment to making a positive difference for our children, thereby empowering

them to make the sort of choices that will produce better outcomes and help with them with

taking the right turn in their lives.

Our team is made up of people whose natural warmth is informed and strengthened by rigorous training and regular supervision to ensure the outstanding quality of the service we provide throughout a child’s residence with us.

We energetically advocate for every child in our care, seeking to ensure that we;

 Begin by accepting a child or young person with unconditional regard.

• Provide a safe and secure environment.

• Identify the right education base.

• Maximise a child’s opportunities.

 Use our curiosity to learn the child/young person and share our view of their worth with them.

• Facilitate qualitative contact.

• Encourage the skills they have.

• Discover the talents that they didn’t know they had.

• Seek appropriate specialist help if deemed helpful.

• Build their self-confidence through positive experiences & fun.

 Develop self-esteem and thus their resilience to make the transitions necessary in their lives.

And all of this is achieved within the warm and healing environment of a T-Junction home.

In our quest to ensure that all team members are continuously developing the insights and therapeutic toolkit to meet the needs of children and young people, we recruited a Psychotherapist, Clinical Psychologist, and a Play Therapist who collectively support our workforce and our young people.