
Here at  T-Junction Children’s Services we always thrive to be the best, please take a look at some of our testimonials which will give you an insight of the type of home and services we offer.

The Home has a lovely homely feel. The team are all interactive and lovely to see them being so involved.

The team were lovely and polite. I felt very welcomed for my first visit.

So lovely to go into a home and it feel lived in, relaxed, and everyone involved with the young people.

- Social Worker Feedback – Northside House – July 24

“It is evident to see that my young person is settled at Northside, I have no concerns about this placement, and he is thriving”

- Social Worker Visit to Northside House 01.07.24

Thank you to you and all the staff for all the work youse have done with my son and sticking with him. your staff are amazing and every time we had contact just me my son and your staff they made life so much easier for me and the boys and I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart Chelsea you guys are amazing xxx

- Feedback from a parent of one of our young people. June 2024

I can not fault the staff. They have done everything in their power for this young person.

I have seen him have excellent relationships with the staff and they have shown they have with him by how they all respond to each other. This has been a fantastic placement for all involved. Thank you

Allocated Social Worker for a young person placed with T-Junction

- Thank You

Hi Tim,

It was lovely to meet you and the team yesterday and to have a look around the home.  It looks like you’ve hit the ground running and have dedicated staff who are passionate about positive outcomes for the young people in your care.

Commissioner – Nottinghamshire

- Thanks

Tim, You will be a huge loss to the VS no doubt! You have been fantastic to work with … Colleague

- Thanks

… You were so good with all my children in care, I can only hope that whoever takes over the job is half as good as you!! You have been a shining example for kids in Care as you have proved that it is possible to achieve your dreams and not to become part of the failure statistics.


- Thank You Tim

I just wanted to say thank you for your contribution to the service. (Virtual School) I have enjoyed working with you and have been impressed by your commitment to the young people.

- Thank You – Colleague

Tim is a pleasure to work with. He has a lovely relaxed approach to getting things done which will hold him in good stead in his new role of Director of a Residential home. He is thoughtful and considerate with an ability to adapt to what is in front of him. I look forward to working with Tim again in the future.

Lisa Cherry
Trauma | Resilience | Recovery | Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Published Author

- Reccomendation

It’s been great working with you Tim, and you’ve helped me with knowledge and confidence that will be passed down to all kiddies we have through our doors.

- Foster Carer

… Should our paths cross in the future, I am sure it will be positive – knowing the contribution you have made, and always with a positive attitude. It has been very clear to me that you believe in our children’s potential.

- Colleague

I would like to offer my thanks to Tim for the work he has undertaken on our behalf; he is never anything less than enthusiastic and his energy and drive will be missed by us all.

- Head of Service – Virtual School

Just want to say thank you for everything and all the support and guidance you have given me whilst you been here! I really do appreciate everything you have done for me!

- Young Person

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for always going the extra mile (Work Carried out as an Education Improvement Officer)

- Young Person

For your excellent contribution to the social work conference. It was so good to showcase the fantastic practice that goes on day in and day out in the service to support vulnerable children and families. Your commitment to the service is very much appreciated.

- Thank You – Colleague

“It was my pleasure to meet the team at T-Junction children services for training in April this year. We had a fun and interesting two days and I was very impressed with what I saw. The whole team were friendly and welcoming and I immediately felt at ease. They are a strong group with an excellent range of knowledge and skills relating to supporting children and I could tell they genuinely cared about creating a positive environment to work or live in. The passion and attitude of the management team also shined through and they will create a great culture of support, encouragement, fun and caring for anyone that comes into the service. I wish the whole team the very best to an exciting future for the company and the staff.”

Andy Baker – Able Trainer

- Thanks

“Having worked with Tim for some time within the childrens home sector, I feel his knowledge and devotion knows no bounds. He is very passionate about child care; a passion that possibly stems from his own experiences of being in care. Tim shows many characteristics of an individual that is dedicated and tenacious in achieving the best possible results for young people.”

- Steve, Colleague